I grew up in Colorado and somehow found my way to Alaska in my early twenties where I lived for 13 years before moving to Salem, Oregon with my husband, Jon. After having twin boys with another baby on the way we decided it was time to move closer to family. Since Jon grew up in Salem and most of his family is still here it seemed the logical choice. July 2010 will be five years in Oregon and we love it! Life couldn't be any happier for us.
I draw inspiration for my pieces from the world around me—water, sand, grass, flowers. The way elements move & interact with one another—water flowing around a stone or the way a river has carved out a path through a mountain to form a canyon.
I like to work with precious metals, semi-precious & precious stones. My favorite materials are sterling silver, precious metal clay, pearls, tourmaline & peridot. I enjoy creating elegant, sophisticated pieces but my love is really for the organic feeling pieces that have been inspired by nature.
Calusa (pronounced ‘ka-loosa’) comes from my children’s names—Callie, Luke & Sam. If I'm not at my bench I'm sure to be with them and their amazing dad.