About Calusa Studio

Calusa (pronounced ‘ka-loosa’) comes from my children’s names—Callie, Luke & Sam. The studio is located in downtown Salem, Oregon in the Salem Arts Building.  The building has a  lot of history and character - some remember it as the old Montgomery Ward from years ago.  If you are interested in seeing my work or a studio tour contact me to set up an appointment.

I enjoy visiting other artists and their workspaces - hearing what inspires them and conecting to their pieces.  I believe that sharing ideas and opening ourselves to others promotes and inspires our own creativity and we are all better artists for it.  Calusa studio has enough bench space to have about four people working at a time.  I'm working toward opening the studio a couple times a month to other artists that either need a workspace or access to specialized equiptment that they don't have at their own studios.  I will be blogging about this as the idea progresses.  Stay tuned!

Calusa Studio
Salem Arts Building
155 Liberty Street NE, Ste B8
Salem, OR 97301